"Team Up with Eli Manning!" Framed and Matted Personalized Picture. Just Add Your Photo!

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IMG_0806-giant giants-NYgiants-EliManning.jpg

"Team Up with Eli Manning!" Framed and Matted Personalized Picture. Just Add Your Photo!


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Playing his entire career for one of the most venerable teams in professional sports, Eli Manning is the Giants’ record holder for touchdown passes, passing yards and completions.  Author of two of the greatest upsets in Super Bowl history—and the MVP of those Super Bowls (XLII & LVI) to boot.  Eli Manning is a New York Giant and a giant New Yorker.  Color him and you Dark Blue and Red.

The title of this picture, printed on gold foil at the bottom of the mat, is:  Giant New Yorkers.

Just add a standard 5 x 7-inch photo with your favorite team jersey, cap, memorabilia, whatever!

Easy to do. Click on our how-to video or follow the steps listed in the Product Description below.

You can change your photo as many times as you want!

The picture has a multi-grooved black frame, black mat, glass cover and measures 17 ¾” x 15 ¾”.

All orders are shipped within 24 to 72 hours and there is a one-time $6 entire-order shipping cost.

Please note your telephone number is NOT REQUIRED on the Order Page.

30 day, complete moneyback guarantee including all shipping

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